Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Dear Celebrities (yes ALL OF YOU)

So I havent written in a while to any of you because to be quite honest with you all you just haven't been that important to me. I don't know you and you don't know me. So considering how life has been for me you all have been on the back-burner for me. My apologies.

So I decided since it is now officially 2014, I would write to you all  a message of hope. I hope many of you celebrities will take this new year as a time to look inwardly. You are all human beings and are not perfect. However you have all taken paths in your lives where whether you like it or not, you are judged daily on how you live your life.

There is nothing wrong with being yourself. However, its one thing to live your life your way and then get upset when you are called out on it. When you make mistakes, own up to it. Reese Witherspoon did when she acted a fool when her husband got arrested and got herself in handcuffs for acting ridiculous. She apologized and acknowledged what she did before the press even got out because she KNEW she was an idiot at that moment, OR she is actually smart enough how to handle herself in the press. Learn from her.

I think we as your public need to take some responsibility as well. I think we all need to stop looking for drama from you all. We are too up in your business and clearly many of us kinda look for you to screw your life up. Its horrible. I acknowledge this is also a factor. However, what we do and what you do are two totally different issues. You cant control us. You can control you however.

Remember your fans though. Remember that without those who look to you for happiness, inspiration, info, whatever, you wouldnt have the career you have. Yes you will have talent but as someone who is trying to get her talents seen by the masses, I have learned that sadly its a freaggin popularity contest as well. You can have little to no talent and you can have all the talent in the world. The moment you insult your fans or hurt them, thats the moment your talent means dick. Im sorry that you want your freedom to be whomever you want and you have this heavy burden. However this is the career you wanted. You didnt want this, you shouldnt have strived for it.

So I wish all celebrities to have a great new year. I hope you have success. I hope that you are healthy. If you have demons you need to control I hope you beat them and get yourself on track. I hope you learn a lot this year and I hope to see some people become better human beings.

Good luck to you all.