Babe, just so you know. I congratulate you on your success.
You are a gifted singer. You write from your heart and I respect that. You are beautiful and I gotta say, you seem to be a genuinely nice person. No joke! You seem like someone that genuinely does her best to be sweet to everyone when you are in their presence because you were brought up to be a respectful woman. I commend that.
Now I will be truthful, I am not a huge fan of your music. Its nothing personal. I get why people like it. I just am not a fan of the genre really. Has nothing to do with you as a person.
I just wanted to give you some advice...
Stop dating so much. I know its hard. I cant even imagine what its like to date in the public eye. I know this isnt completely your fault but yes, you have dated many men the past year or two and hun, its not looking good for you.
See this is how the world is seeing it:
You date a guy, you write a song about them.
You claim you are this girl who does nothing but sit at home and watch tv or whatever (I watch Ellen honey, Ive heard you). then you date another guy and write a song.
Everything that has happened in your life you write a song about it.
The more people you date, the more its looking like YOU are the problem and not these guys.
Being a young adult woman in the public eye is clearly a difficult task. You are judged daily. 24/7. For a growing woman trying to experience life that is a horrible thing to go through.
Look, you seem like a great girl but what you are presenting to your fans is this idea that you dont believe you are whole without a man in your life. You have not shown anyone that you are capable of being single and just being a strong independent woman.
There are young girls out there that are looking up to you and what they see is a woman that is desperately looking for love and when it doesnt work out she talks shit in her songs.
I understand as a fellow singer/songwriter that yes, it is the BEST way to express yourself and get your feelings out. However you need to think about these men who you feel have wronged you. Yeah maybe they were douchebags. Perhaps they deserve the backlash of people assuming the song is about them. However they arent all terrible and I dont think they deserve to be ridiculed on national tv. You can sit there and say a specific song isnt about Harry from One Direction yet its not believable if you are performing that song on stage and then mock a British accent and pretend to be the "boy". It makes your claim not hold water.
Look you do what you want. Its your life. However understand that having a significant other in your life cant make you whole. Especially when you have yet to become YOU. Learn about yourself. I know you think you know all you need to know but trust me you dont. These relationships arent going to work if you continue to date date date and not fix fix fix. We are human, we are all flawed. If they arent sticking around maybe its something about you. I know its them too I mean hello, it takes two to make a relationship but considering the amount of men youve dated recently, I would look in the mirror a bit more. Are you needy? Clingy? Too over the top? Not enough? Are you in their business? Too self involved??? I mean these are things you need to find out about yourself.
I applaud you for starting to have a sense of humor about it all. I remember at the Golden Globes it was said you were not happy with Tina Fey and Amy Poehler for their wisecrack about keeping your hands off Michael J Fox's son. It was a joke hun! You should have laughed because you need to be aware you have dated a lot of men.
Hey, if you just told the world "Hey i love dating men!!!Its fun fun fun!!" Good for you! Thats not what youre doing though. You are telling the world you need to be in love without telling the world. Be in love with yourself first!!!
I hope you do find your true love one day. I just hope you know you dont need to have someone in your life to be whole.
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